Hygrophila Angustifolia Care Guide & Tips

Welcome to the Hygrophila Angustifolia care guide! In this article, I will provide you with essential tips and instructions to help you successfully care for and maintain this beautiful aquatic plant in your aquarium setup.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hygrophila Angustifolia is a fast-growing aquarium plant originating from Southeast Asia.
  • Proper care and attention are crucial for the vibrant growth of Hygrophila Angustifolia.
  • It has relatively simple care requirements and can be grown in various tank setups.
  • Regular trimmings are necessary to control its growth and prevent it from overpowering the tank.
  • Hygrophila Angustifolia can be easily propagated through stem cuttings.

Hygrophila Angustifolia Overview

Hygrophila Angustifolia, also known as Willow Hygro, is an aquatic plant native to Southeast Asia. It is a fast-growing plant that can reach heights of 6 to 12 inches in aquariums. Its long, narrow leaves and vibrant green color make it a popular choice for background placement in aquarium setups. With proper care, Hygrophila Angustifolia can thrive and add beauty to your aquatic environment.

Hygrophila Angustifolia Care Requirements

Proper care is essential to ensure the healthy growth and vitality of your Hygrophila Angustifolia. While this aquatic plant is relatively easy to care for, meeting its specific requirements will help it thrive in your aquarium setup.

Lighting and Substrate

Hygrophila Angustifolia prefers moderate to high-intensity lighting for optimal growth. Providing adequate lighting is crucial, as it directly influences photosynthesis and overall plant health. Consider using LED lights or fluorescent bulbs to ensure sufficient light penetration throughout your aquarium.

A substrate is also essential for Hygrophila Angustifolia. While it can tolerate various types of substrates, a nutrient-rich substrate is recommended to support healthy growth. This type of substrate provides essential nutrients that the plants can absorb through their roots.

Temperature and pH Range

The ideal temperature range for Hygrophila Angustifolia is between 68°F and 82°F (20°C and 28°C). Keeping the water temperature within this range will promote optimal growth and prevent any stress to the plant.

Water pH also plays a crucial role in the plant’s health. Hygrophila Angustifolia thrives in slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH range of 6.3 to 7.5. Regularly check the pH levels of your aquarium and make adjustments as necessary to maintain a suitable environment for the plant.

Maintenance and Trimming

Maintenance is an essential part of caring for Hygrophila Angustifolia. Regularly check and monitor the plant for any signs of nutrient deficiency, algae growth, or leaf damage. Performing routine water changes and adding appropriate fertilizers can help provide the necessary nutrients for the plant’s growth.

Trimming is also important to prevent the plant from overpowering your aquarium. When the plant grows too tall or spreads excessively, carefully trim the stems to maintain the desired size and shape. This will promote healthy growth and prevent overcrowding.

CO2 Injection (Optional)

While Hygrophila Angustifolia can thrive without CO2 injection, providing supplemental CO2 can enhance its growth and overall appearance. CO2 injection helps the plant to photosynthesize more efficiently, resulting in faster growth and lush foliage. Consider using a CO2 system if you want to boost the plant’s growth rate.

An image of a vibrant Hygrophila Angustifolia plant in an aquarium, showcasing its lush foliage.

Planting and Propagation

Planting Hygrophila Angustifolia in your aquarium is a straightforward process that can be done by placing the plant directly into the substrate. This versatile plant can tolerate various types of substrates, but using a nutrient-enriched substrate can greatly benefit its growth and overall health. Ensure that the substrate is firmly packed around the roots to provide stability and promote proper nutrient absorption.

To propagate Hygrophila Angustifolia, you can easily take stem cuttings from a healthy plant. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Step 1: Select a healthy stem from the parent plant.
  2. Step 2: Using sharp scissors or a clean cutting tool, make a clean cut just below a node on the selected stem. Nodes are the sections where leaves or new shoots emerge.
  3. Step 3: Remove the lower leaves from the stem-cutting to prevent them from rotting when planted in the substrate.
  4. Step 4: Plant the stem-cutting into the substrate, ensuring that at least a few nodes are covered. The node should be buried in the substrate to encourage the development of new shoots and roots.
  5. Step 5: Provide proper lighting and maintain appropriate water parameters to support the growth of the propagated stem-cutting.

With time and proper care, the stem-cutting will establish itself and develop into a new Hygrophila Angustifolia plant, adding to the beauty of your aquarium.

Take a look at the image below for a visual representation of the planting and propagation process:

Now that you have learned how to plant and propagate Hygrophila Angustifolia, you can enjoy the process of watching new shoots grow and your aquarium thrive with this beautiful aquatic plant.

Lighting and CO2 Requirements

Proper lighting and CO2 levels are essential factors for the healthy growth of Hygrophila Angustifolia in your aquarium. Adequate lighting ensures that the plant receives the necessary energy for photosynthesis, while CO2 injections can promote more robust growth and vibrant foliage. Let’s delve into the details of lighting and CO2 requirements for optimal plant growth.


Hygrophila Angustifolia benefits from moderate to high-intensity lighting in your aquarium. Although it can survive in moderate lighting conditions, providing it with higher levels of illumination will result in faster and healthier growth. This will result in lush, vibrant foliage that enhances the visual appeal of your aquascape.

When choosing lighting for your Hygrophila Angustifolia, consider using LED lights or fluorescent tubes designed specifically for freshwater aquarium plants. These lights provide the required spectrum of light to support photosynthesis and promote optimal growth. Ensure that the lighting covers the entire aquarium evenly to provide sufficient illumination for all parts of the plant.

It’s important to note that the duration of lighting also plays a role in plant growth. Aim for a lighting period of 8 to 10 hours per day to simulate natural daylight cycles and avoid overexposing the plants to excessive light.

CO2 Requirements

While CO2 injection is not necessary for the survival of Hygrophila Angustifolia, it can significantly enhance its growth and overall health. CO2 is an essential component for photosynthesis, which is the process through which plants convert light energy into chemical energy for growth.

By supplementing your aquarium with CO2, you can provide an additional source of carbon for the plant, enabling it to produce more energy and nutrients. This results in faster and more vigorous growth, as well as dense foliage.

There are various methods to introduce CO2 into your aquarium, including CO2 injection systems, liquid carbon supplements, or natural carbon produced by the breakdown of organic matter. Choose a method that suits your setup and maintains a consistent CO2 level within the recommended range.

Factors Lighting CO2
Ideal Conditions Moderate to high-intensity lighting CO2 injection or supplementation
  • Faster and healthier growth
  • Lush and vibrant foliage
  • Enhanced visual appeal
  • Promotes robust growth
  • Dense foliage
  • Increased energy production
Survival Moderate lighting Not mandatory
Recommended Period 8 to 10 hours per day

Water Parameters

Proper water parameters are essential for the health and growth of Hygrophila Angustifolia in your freshwater aquarium. Maintaining the right pH range and temperature will create an optimal environment for this beautiful aquatic plant.

pH Range

The ideal pH range for Hygrophila Angustifolia is between 6.3 and 7.5. It’s important to keep the water slightly acidic to neutral to ensure the plant’s vibrant growth. Regularly testing the pH levels and making any necessary adjustments will help maintain a stable environment for your plant.


Hygrophila Angustifolia can tolerate a wide range of common freshwater aquarium temperatures. However, it thrives best within the range of 68°F to 82°F (20°C to 28°C). This temperature range mimics the natural conditions of the plant’s native environment and promotes healthy growth.

Remember to monitor and maintain the water temperature within this range using a reliable aquarium heater and thermometer. Fluctuations in temperature can stress the plant and hinder its growth.

Here’s a visual representation of the ideal water parameters for Hygrophila Angustifolia:

Parameter Ideal Range
pH 6.3 – 7.5
Temperature 68°F – 82°F

By maintaining these water parameters, you’ll create a conducive environment for the growth and overall well-being of your Hygrophila Angustifolia.

Growth Rate and Height

Hygrophila Angustifolia is a fast-growing plant that thrives in aquarium setups. With the right conditions, this plant can quickly fill up space and add vibrant greenery to your aquatic environment.

This fast-growing plant requires regular trimmings to control its growth and prevent it from overpowering your aquarium. By maintaining its growth through trimming, you can ensure that the Hygrophila Angustifolia remains a stunning addition to your tank.

When allowed to grow freely, Hygrophila Angustifolia can reach impressive heights between 6 and 12 inches. This makes it an ideal choice for background planting in your aquarium. The tall and slender appearance of this plant creates a beautiful visual contrast against other aquatic plants and decorations.

Hygrophila angustifolia growth rate and height

Ensure that you provide your Hygrophila Angustifolia with the space it needs to grow and develop its full potential. With its rapid growth rate and impressive height, this plant will create a lush and visually appealing underwater landscape in your aquarium.

Additional Varieties of Hygrophila Angustifolia

While Hygrophila Angustifolia doesn’t have many different varieties, there are a few variations that you might come across when shopping for this plant. Let’s take a closer look at these varieties and their unique features:

Hygrophila Angustifolia Rubra

Hygrophila Angustifolia Rubra is a variant that features reddish-brown hues on the stem and foliage. This variety adds an eye-catching touch of color to your aquarium. With the right care and high-intensity lighting, the reddish tones can be enhanced, making it a beautiful addition to any aquatic display.

Hygrophila Angustifolia Red

It’s important to note that Hygrophila Angustifolia Red is not a variation of the Hygrophila Angustifolia plant itself. Instead, it is a different species known as Hygrophila cordata. Hygrophila Angustifolia Red requires bright lighting to showcase its brightest red coloration. This stunning plant can be an excellent choice for creating striking contrasts in your aquarium.

Hygrophila Angustifolia Medusa

Hygrophila Angustifolia Medusa is a marketing name used in some regions, but it doesn’t represent a distinct variety of the plant. It’s important to be aware of this when researching or purchasing Hygrophila Angustifolia, as the name might not accurately reflect any specific differences in its appearance or characteristics.

While these variations add aesthetic diversity, they all belong to the Hygrophila Angustifolia species and share similar care requirements, making them suitable choices for aquarists looking to enhance the visual appeal of their aquariums.

Comparison with Other Similar Plants

When it comes to aquarium plants, it’s easy to confuse Hygrophila Angustifolia with other similar species such as Hygrophila Pinnatifida and Hygrophila Corymbosa. While all three plants are suitable for background placement in aquariums, there are notable differences in their care requirements and appearance.

Hygrophila Angustifolia vs Hygrophila Pinnatifida

One key distinction between Hygrophila Angustifolia and Hygrophila Pinnatifida is their growth habit and care needs. Hygrophila Pinnatifida is an epiphytic plant, which means it attaches to rocks or driftwood rather than being directly planted in the substrate. This unique characteristic makes it a great choice for creating stunning hardscape displays in your aquarium. However, it requires CO2 injection and regular fertilization to thrive, making it more demanding in terms of maintenance compared to Hygrophila Angustifolia.

Hygrophila Angustifolia vs Hygrophila Corymbosa

Hygrophila Angustifolia and Hygrophila Corymbosa share a similar foliage appearance and can reach similar heights when grown in aquariums. However, there are some differences in their care requirements. Hygrophila Angustifolia is known for its adaptability and can thrive in low or high-tech setups with moderate to high-intensity lighting. On the other hand, Hygrophila Corymbosa benefits from higher light levels and may require additional CO2 supplementation for optimal growth.

In summary, while Hygrophila Angustifolia, Hygrophila Pinnatifida, and Hygrophila Corymbosa all make great choices for aquariums, understanding their unique care requirements and appearances can help you choose the right plant for your specific setup and preferences.

Where to Buy Hygrophila Angustifolia

If you’re looking to add the vibrant beauty of Hygrophila Angustifolia to your aquarium, you have several options for purchasing this popular aquatic plant. Whether you prefer shopping locally or online, there are aquarium plant suppliers that offer Hygrophila Angustifolia for sale.

Local Fish Stores

One of the most convenient ways to purchase Hygrophila Angustifolia is by visiting your local fish store. Many pet stores with a dedicated aquarium section carry a variety of aquatic plants, including Hygrophila Angustifolia. You can browse the plant selection, pick the healthy ones, and directly bring them home.

Online Suppliers

If you prefer the convenience of online shopping, there are numerous aquarium plant suppliers that offer Hygrophila Angustifolia for sale. These online platforms provide a wide range of aquarium plants, including Hygrophila Angustifolia, that can be conveniently delivered to your doorstep.

When searching for online suppliers, it’s essential to choose reputable and reliable vendors. Look for suppliers with positive customer reviews, a wide selection of healthy plants, and good packing and shipping practices to ensure that your Hygrophila Angustifolia arrives in excellent condition.

Price and Availability

The average price for Hygrophila Angustifolia is around $6 USD per plant. However, prices may vary depending on the size and maturity of the plant, as well as the supplier you choose. It’s always a good idea to compare prices and check for any discounts or promotions offered by different suppliers.

Supplier Price per Plant Availability
Aquarium Plants Factory $5.99 In Stock
LiveAquaria $6.49 In Stock
Aqua Lab Aquaria $6.95 In Stock

Table: Price and availability of Hygrophila Angustifolia at selected online suppliers

By purchasing Hygrophila Angustifolia from reputable suppliers, you can ensure the quality and health of the plants you add to your aquarium. Whether you choose to shop locally or online, the availability of this popular aquarium plant makes it easy to find and enjoy in your aquatic setup.


In conclusion, taking care of Hygrophila Angustifolia, also known as Willow Hygro, is a rewarding experience for any aquarium enthusiast. With its versatility and relatively low maintenance requirements, this fast-growing plant can bring life and beauty to your aquatic setup.

To ensure the optimal growth of Hygrophila Angustifolia, it is essential to provide it with the right conditions. This includes providing moderate to high-intensity lighting, maintaining water parameters within the recommended range, and regular care and maintenance.

By following these guidelines and dedicating some time to monitoring and nurturing this aquatic plant, you can enjoy a vibrant and flourishing Hygrophila Angustifolia in your aquarium. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this plant is a fantastic addition to any aquascape.


What is Hygrophila Angustifolia?

Hygrophila Angustifolia, also known as Willow Hygro, is an aquatic plant native to Southeast Asia. It is a fast-growing plant that can reach heights of 6 to 12 inches in aquariums.

What are the care requirements for Hygrophila Angustifolia?

Hygrophila Angustifolia prefers a substrate and moderate to high intensity lighting. It thrives in water with a pH range of 6.3 to 7.5 and a temperature between 68°F and 82°F. Regular trimmings are necessary to control its growth.

How do I plant and propagate Hygrophila Angustifolia?

Hygrophila Angustifolia can be planted directly into the substrate of your aquarium. It can be propagated by taking stem cuttings and planting them into the substrate, where they will develop new shoots and roots.

What lighting and CO2 requirements does Hygrophila Angustifolia have?

Hygrophila Angustifolia requires moderate to high-intensity lighting for optimal growth. While it can survive in moderate lighting, higher intensity lighting promotes faster and healthier growth. CO2 injection is not necessary but can promote more robust growth.

What are the optimal water parameters for Hygrophila Angustifolia?

Hygrophila Angustifolia thrives in water with a pH range of 6.3 to 7.5 and a temperature between 68°F and 82°F.

How fast does Hygrophila Angustifolia grow and how tall does it get?

Hygrophila Angustifolia is a fast-growing plant that can quickly fill up space in your aquarium. It can reach heights between 6 and 12 inches, making it an excellent choice for background planting.

Are there any additional varieties of Hygrophila Angustifolia?

There are variations of Hygrophila Angustifolia, such as Hygrophila Angustifolia Rubra with reddish-brown hues and Hygrophila Angustifolia Red (Hygrophila cordata) that requires bright lighting for its vibrant red coloration. Hygrophila Angustifolia Medusa is a marketing name used in some regions but does not represent a distinct variety.

How does Hygrophila Angustifolia compare to other similar plants?

Hygrophila Angustifolia can be easily confused with plants like Hygrophila Pinnatifida and Hygrophila Corymbosa. While all three plants are suitable for background placement in aquariums, they have differences in care requirements and appearance.

Where can I buy Hygrophila Angustifolia?

Hygrophila Angustifolia is readily available for purchase at local fish stores and online suppliers. The average price for this plant is around USD per plant.

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