Anubias Heterophylla Care Guide – Easy Tips

Hello there! If you’re looking for a beautiful and low-maintenance plant for your aquarium, Anubias heterophylla is an excellent choice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this comprehensive care guide will provide you with all the essential tips and instructions to keep your Anubias heterophylla thriving.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow these easy tips and instructions to care for Anubias heterophylla.
  • Provide the right lighting conditions for optimal growth.
  • Use a nutrient-rich substrate to support healthy plant development.
  • Maintain regular fertilization and water changes to promote overall plant health.
  • Prevent algae growth by controlling lighting and nutrient levels.
  • Explore different planting methods such as attaching to hardscape or planting in substrate.
  • Propagate Anubias heterophylla through rhizome division or natural sprouting.

Anubias Heterophylla: A Versatile Genus

Welcome to the world of Anubias, a diverse genus of aquatic plants that offers a wide range of options for aquarists. While Anubias heterophylla is one of the key species in this genus, there are other notable varieties that deserve attention as well.

One of the most popular species is Anubias barteri, known for its graceful beauty and adaptability. Within the Anubias barteri species, you’ll find impressive variations such as Anubias barteri var. Nana and Anubias barteri var. Nana Petite. These smaller-sized options are perfect for nano tanks or for adding depth and dimension to larger aquariums.

For those seeking a unique touch, Anubias barteri “Coffeefolia” offers exquisite foliage resembling the color and texture of coffee leaves. If you’re intrigued by larger plants, consider Anubias congensis, which showcases elongated heart-shaped leaves, or Anubias hastifolia, a stunning species with arrow-shaped foliage.

Native to freshwater rivers and streams in tropical Africa, Anubias plants can be grown either emersed or immersed. However, it’s crucial to keep their roots and rhizome submerged to prevent dehydration and ensure their well-being.

New Species and Varieties in the Anubias Genus

With ongoing research and cultivation efforts, new species and varieties are continually being introduced to the Anubias genus. Aquarists can explore these exciting additions to expand their options and create unique underwater landscapes.

To summarize, Anubias heterophylla and other members of the Anubias genus provide various choices for your aquarium, each with its own distinct characteristics and aesthetic appeal. Consider the size, shape, and texture of the leaves to find the perfect fit for your aquascape.

Understanding Anubias Anatomy

Anubias plants have a unique anatomy that contributes to their resilience and beauty in aquariums. Let’s explore the fascinating structure of these plants, from the rhizome to the leaves.

The Rhizome: The Lifeline of Anubias

The rhizome is the central stem of Anubias plants and plays a vital role in their survival. It grows horizontally, creating a thick structure from which the roots and leaves emerge. The rhizome serves as the main nutrient and water transport system, ensuring the plant receives the essential elements it needs to thrive.

Roots: Anchoring and Nutrient Absorption

The roots of Anubias plants extend from the bottom of the rhizome, reaching out to anchor the plant to different surfaces within the aquarium, such as driftwood, rocks, or the substrate. Beyond providing stability, the roots also play a secondary role in nutrient absorption. Although Anubias primarily obtains nutrients from the water column, the roots assist in extracting additional elements.

Leaves: Captivating Foliage

The leaves of Anubias are the most striking feature of these plants. Growing from the top of the rhizome, they come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the Anubias species or variety. The leaves provide a lush green appearance that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any aquarium. Not only are they visually appealing, but Anubias leaves are also known for their durability, making them resistant to damage from fish nibbling behaviors.

To get a better understanding of Anubias anatomy, refer to the diagram below:

Anubias Anatomy
  • Rhizome: Thick, horizontal stem
  • Roots: Anchoring mechanism and nutrient absorption
  • Leaves: Lush green foliage

Understanding the anatomy of Anubias plants allows us to appreciate their unique structure and care for them effectively. The rhizome, roots, and leaves all contribute to the overall health and beauty of these aquatic plants.

Care Requirements for Anubias Heterophylla

Anubias heterophylla, a slow-growing aquatic plant, requires specific care to ensure its optimal growth and health. Understanding its care requirements is essential for maintaining a thriving and vibrant aquarium. Here are the key aspects to consider:


Anubias heterophylla can be placed in various areas of the aquarium, depending on its size and species. It is versatile and can be attached to hardscape elements like driftwood or rocks using the super glue method or fishing line. The plant’s rhizome should be partially exposed above the substrate to prevent rotting.


Anubias heterophylla prefers low to moderate lighting conditions. It can tolerate minimal lighting levels but may exhibit slower growth. Avoid placing it directly under intense lights to prevent algae growth on its leaves.


Anubias heterophylla does not require a nutrient-rich substrate. The plant primarily feeds from the water column, deriving nutrients from the surrounding water. A substrate of gravel or sand is sufficient for anchoring the plant’s roots.

CO2 and Fertilizers

CO2 injection is not necessary for Anubias heterophylla; it can thrive in tanks without supplemental CO2. However, regular fertilization with a liquid micronutrient fertilizer can enhance its growth and overall health. It is recommended to use a comprehensive aquarium fertilizer that contains the essential nutrients needed for plant growth.

Growth Rate

Anubias heterophylla has a slow growth rate, and its growth can be influenced by factors such as lighting intensity, nutrient availability, and water conditions. Patience is key when cultivating this plant, as it may take time to establish and reach its full potential.

By providing the proper care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty of Anubias heterophylla in your aquarium. Its lush green foliage and ease of maintenance make it a popular choice among aquarists of all skill levels.

Managing Algae on Anubias Heterophylla

Anubias heterophylla, with its broad leaves, is prone to algae growth, which can hinder its health and appearance. To keep algae at bay and ensure the vibrant beauty of your Anubias plants, it’s crucial to implement effective algae control measures. Here are some practical tips and treatments to manage algae on Anubias heterophylla:

Preventing Algae on Anubias Leaves

To prevent algae growth on Anubias leaves, consider the following strategies:

  • Plant the Anubias in shaded areas of the aquarium. This reduces the exposure to direct light, which algae thrive on.
  • Utilize a timer for the aquarium lights to regulate the photoperiod. Limiting the duration of light exposure can hinder algae growth.
  • Maintain regular water changes to minimize nutrient levels in the water. Algae depend on nutrients to grow, so reducing their availability can help prevent their proliferation.

Algae Treatment for Anubias

If you notice algae on the leaves of your Anubias heterophylla, it’s important to address the issue promptly. One effective treatment is spot treating the affected areas with Seachem Flourish Excel. This product serves as an algae control agent and can help eliminate algae on Anubias leaves.

When applying Seachem Flourish Excel, ensure that you turn off the filter and air pump. This allows the treatment to stay in contact with the algae for maximum effectiveness. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for proper dosage and usage.

By implementing these preventative measures and utilizing effective treatments like Seachem Flourish Excel, you can effectively manage and control algae in your Anubias heterophylla aquarium. Enjoy the beauty and vitality of your Anubias plants without the unsightly presence of algae.

Planting Methods for Anubias Heterophylla

When it comes to planting Anubias heterophylla, there are several methods you can choose from. Whether you prefer attaching the plant to hardscape or planting it in the substrate, here are some popular methods to consider:

Attaching Anubias to Hardscape

To attach Anubias heterophylla to hardscape, the super glue method is highly effective. Simply apply a small dot of super glue to the hardscape, then carefully press the rhizome of the plant onto the glue until it sets. This method ensures a secure attachment and allows the plant to grow and thrive on the hardscape. Remember to use a cyanoacrylate-based super glue that is safe for aquarium use.

Using Fishing Line

Another method for attaching Anubias heterophylla to hardscape is using fishing line. This method involves tying the plant to the hardscape with fishing line, allowing it to anchor itself over time. While this method can be more challenging and time-consuming, it provides a natural appearance and allows for flexibility in positioning the plant. It is important to tie the fishing line tightly but not too tightly, as it should not damage the plant or restrict its growth.

Substrate Planting

If you prefer planting Anubias heterophylla in the substrate, you can bury the roots while leaving the rhizome exposed. This method allows the plant to take up nutrients from the substrate through its roots while also preventing the rhizome from rotting. It is crucial to ensure that the rhizome remains above the substrate to avoid burying it, as this can lead to decay. By following the proper substrate planting technique, you can create a visually appealing layout while providing a nutrient-rich environment for the plant’s roots.

To give you a better idea of the advantages and considerations of each planting method, here’s a comparison table:

Planting Method Advantages Considerations
Super Glue Method Firm attachment to hardscape, quick and easy Requires aquarium-safe super glue
Fishing Line Method Natural look, flexibility in positioning Can be challenging and time-consuming
Substrate Planting Nutrient-rich environment for roots Rhizome must remain above substrate to prevent rotting

By choosing the planting method that suits your preferences and setup, you can ensure that your Anubias heterophylla thrives in your aquarium. Take into account the specific needs of your plants and the aesthetics you want to achieve when deciding how to plant them. With the right method, your Anubias heterophylla will enhance the beauty of your aquatic landscape and provide a natural habitat for your aquatic inhabitants.

Propagating Anubias Heterophylla

Propagating Anubias heterophylla is a simple and effective way to expand your plant collection. The propagation method commonly used for Anubias heterophylla is rhizome division. By carefully cutting the rhizome, you can create separate segments that will continue to grow into new plants.

To propagate Anubias heterophylla through rhizome division, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a healthy Anubias heterophylla plant with a well-established rhizome.
  2. Using a sharp pair of scissors or a clean knife, carefully cut the rhizome into separate segments. Each segment should have several leaves attached to it.
  3. Ensure that the cuttings and the original plant have enough leaves to sustain growth.
  4. Plant the cuttings in suitable locations within your aquarium, making sure to keep the rhizome above the substrate.
  5. Provide proper lighting, water, and nutrient conditions for the newly propagated plants.

Remember to handle the rhizome and cuttings with care to avoid causing any damage. With this propagation method, both the old plant and the cuttings will continue to grow, resulting in a flourishing Anubias heterophylla population in your aquarium.

Table: A comparison of propagation methods for Anubias heterophylla

Propagation Method Difficulty Level Success Rate
Rhizome Division Easy High
Leaf Cuttings Moderate Medium
Tissue Culture Advanced Very High

Propagation of Anubias heterophylla

Anubias Heterophylla Varieties and Sizes

Anubias heterophylla comes in a variety of species, each with its unique characteristics and size. Let’s explore some of the most popular Anubias heterophylla varieties:

Anubias Barteri

Height: Up to 12 inches

Anubias barteri is the most common and widely recognized species of the Anubias genus. It features broad, vibrant green leaves that add a lush touch to any aquarium.

Anubias Nana

Height: Up to 5 inches

Anubias barteri var. Nana, also known as Anubias nana, is a smaller variety of Anubias heterophylla. Its compact size makes it perfect for smaller tanks or as a foreground plant in larger setups.

Anubias Coffeefolia

Height: Up to 6 inches

Anubias coffeefolia, as the name suggests, is known for its unique leaf shape resembling a coffee bean. The leaves have a rich brown color with a glossy texture, providing an eye-catching contrast in the aquarium.

Anubias Hastifolia

Height: Up to 16 inches

Anubias hastifolia is a larger variety with long, lance-shaped leaves. Its size and striking appearance make it an excellent choice as a focal point or background plant in larger aquariums.

Anubias heterophylla sizes may vary depending on the growth conditions and individual specimens. It’s important to consider the size of the tank and the desired layout when selecting the appropriate Anubias heterophylla variety.

Variety Height
Anubias Barteri Up to 12 inches
Anubias Nana Up to 5 inches
Anubias Coffeefolia Up to 6 inches
Anubias Hastifolia Up to 16 inches

Benefits and Recommendations for Anubias Heterophylla

As an aquarium enthusiast, you’ll find numerous benefits to including Anubias heterophylla in your tank. Not only is it a visually appealing plant with its lush green foliage, but it also offers remarkable durability and versatility. Let me share some key advantages and recommendations for incorporating Anubias heterophylla into your aquarium.

Benefits of Anubias Heterophylla

  • Easy-to-care-for: Anubias heterophylla is an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists due to its low maintenance requirements. It can thrive in a range of environments, making it suitable for various tank setups.
  • Unappetizing to herbivorous fish: The leaves of Anubias heterophylla are tough and unappealing to most herbivorous fish. This characteristic makes it an excellent option for tanks with plant-munching inhabitants, ensuring your plants stay intact and healthy.
  • Durability against fish biting: Anubias heterophylla boasts sturdy leaves that resist damage from fish biting. This durability ensures the longevity of your plants, even in the presence of nibbling tank residents.

Now that we’ve explored the benefits, let’s move on to some key recommendations for effectively incorporating Anubias heterophylla into your aquarium.

Recommendations for Anubias Heterophylla

To maximize the benefits of Anubias heterophylla, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Placement: Position Anubias heterophylla in areas that provide the desired aesthetic and create a natural-looking aquatic environment. You can attach it to driftwood or rocks, or anchor it in the substrate near the base of other aquatic plants.
  2. Lighting: Anubias heterophylla thrives in low to moderate lighting conditions, making it an excellent choice for tanks with subdued lighting setups. Ensure the tank lighting matches the specific needs of the plants and provides adequate illumination for healthy growth.
  3. Substrate: While Anubias heterophylla doesn’t require a nutrient-rich substrate like many other aquatic plants, it’s essential to anchor the plant’s roots securely. Maintain a suitable substrate or use hardscape attachments like driftwood or rocks to provide stability and prevent damage to the plant.
  4. Compatibility: Anubias heterophylla pairs well with a variety of fish species, making it a versatile choice. However, ensure its compatibility with your existing tank inhabitants to avoid any potential conflicts.

By following these recommendations, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of incorporating Anubias heterophylla in your aquarium. Its ease of care, durability against herbivorous fish, and attractive appearance make it a fantastic addition to any aquatic setup.


Caring for Anubias heterophylla is a straightforward and rewarding process. By following the tips and instructions provided in this care guide, you can easily maintain thriving and healthy Anubias heterophylla plants in your aquarium. Paying attention to their placement, lighting requirements, substrate, and regular fertilization is essential for their optimal growth and to prevent any potential algae issues.

Anubias heterophylla’s versatility and attractive appearance make it an excellent addition to any aquarium setting. With its lush green foliage and durability, it not only adds aesthetic appeal but also provides a natural habitat for your aquatic pets. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, Anubias heterophylla is a fantastic choice that will enhance the beauty and balance of your underwater world.

In summary, this comprehensive care guide has provided you with all the necessary information to successfully care for Anubias heterophylla plants. By understanding their anatomy, learning their care requirements, and implementing proper planting and propagation methods, you can enjoy the benefits of these remarkable aquatic plants. Remember to create an ideal environment for growth, and you will be rewarded with thriving, beautiful Anubias heterophylla plants that will captivate both you and your aquarium inhabitants.


What is Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias heterophylla is a genus of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants native to tropical central and western Africa.

What are the varieties of Anubias?

The most common species is Anubias barteri, but there are also other popular varieties like Anubias barteri var. Nana, Anubias barteri var. Nana Petite, Anubias barteri “Coffeefolia,” Anubias congensis, and Anubias hastifolia.

How does Anubias grow?

Anubias plants grow from a central rhizome, with roots emerging from the bottom and leaves growing from the top. The rhizome serves as the nutrient and water transport system for the plant.

What are the care requirements for Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias heterophylla prefers low to moderate lighting, can thrive with minimal lighting requirements, and feeds mainly from the water column. It does not require CO2 injection but benefits from regular fertilization with a liquid micronutrient fertilizer.

How can I prevent algae on Anubias leaves?

To prevent algae growth, plant Anubias in shaded areas of the aquarium, reduce the photoperiod, and maintain regular water changes. Spot treating with Seachem Flourish Excel can also help treat algae on Anubias leaves.

What are the planting methods for Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias can be attached to hardscape using super glue or fishing line or planted in the substrate by burying the roots while keeping the rhizome above the substrate.

How can I propagate Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias heterophylla can be propagated through rhizome division. The rhizome can be cut with scissors, ensuring that each segment has several leaves attached. Propagation can also occur naturally when separate growth heads sprout from the rhizome.

What are the sizes of Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias heterophylla sizes can vary, with the common species reaching a maximum height of 12 inches. Smaller varieties like Anubias barteri var. Nana and Anubias barteri var. Nana Petite reach heights of 5 inches, while Anubias coffeefolia and Anubias hastifolia are medium-sized, growing up to 6 and 16 inches, respectively.

What are the benefits of Anubias heterophylla?

Anubias heterophylla is an easy-to-care-for plant that can thrive in various environments. Its leaves are unappetizing to most herbivorous fish and resistant to damage from fish biting, making it an excellent choice for tanks with plant-munching inhabitants.

Is Anubias heterophylla a good addition to any aquarium?

Yes, Anubias heterophylla adds an attractive aesthetic to aquariums with its lush green foliage and is a fantastic addition to any aquarium setting.

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