Philippine Java Fern Care Guide Essentials

Greetings, fellow aquarists! Today, I want to share with you some essential tips on caring for the beautiful Philippine Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine’). This versatile aquatic plant is a wonderful addition to any aquarium, providing a lush and vibrant atmosphere. So, let’s dive in and discover how to keep your Philippine Java Fern thriving!

Key Takeaways:

  • Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine’ is a versatile aquatic plant that can be attached to driftwood or rocks in an aquarium.
  • It requires low to medium light, a temperature range of 72 to 82 °F, and a pH level between 6 and 8.
  • Propagation can be done by attaching the plantlets that grow on the leaves to a solid surface.
  • Regular pruning of damaged leaves and occasional liquid fertilizer containing iron can promote growth.
  • Philippine Java Fern is a perfect choice for vivarium setups, such as paludariums, ripariums, and terrariums.

Attaching the Java Fern to Driftwood or a Rock

In this section, I will explain the different methods you can use to attach your Java Fern to driftwood or rocks in your aquarium. Properly attaching the Java Fern ensures that it stays securely in place and enhances the natural beauty of your aquascape.

Using Super Glue Gel

One effective way to attach Java Fern to driftwood or rocks is by using super glue gel. The gel consistency allows for easy application and provides a strong bond between the plant and the surface.

To attach the Java Fern using super glue gel:

  1. Apply a small amount of super glue gel to the desired surface.
  2. Take the Java Fern rhizome, which is the horizontal stem-like structure, and press it onto the glue.
  3. Hold the Java Fern in place for about 30 seconds to ensure a secure attachment.

Using Fishing Wire

An alternative method is to attach the Java Fern using fishing wire. Fishing wire provides a more natural-looking attachment and is popular among aquascapers who prefer a more organic appearance.

To attach the Java Fern using fishing wire:

  1. Thread the fishing wire through the Java Fern rhizome.
  2. Wrap the fishing wire around the driftwood or rock, making several loops to ensure a sturdy attachment.
  3. Tie the fishing wire tightly to secure the Java Fern in place.

Both methods are effective and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Super glue gel provides a stronger bond, while fishing wire offers a more natural aesthetic. Whichever method you choose, make sure to handle the Java Fern with care to avoid damaging the delicate leaves.

Below is an illustration summarizing the two methods:

Method Instructions
Super Glue Gel Apply a small amount of super glue gel to the surface. Press the Java Fern rhizome onto the glue and hold for 30 seconds.
Fishing Wire Thread the fishing wire through the Java Fern rhizome. Wrap the wire around the driftwood or rock, and tie it securely.

With these methods, you can securely attach your Java Fern to driftwood or rocks, allowing it to thrive and contribute to the overall beauty of your aquarium.

Caring for the Java Fern in Your Aquarium

When it comes to caring for your Java Fern, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. Let’s explore the lighting requirements, water pH and temperature, pruning techniques, and the use of liquid fertilizer for optimal growth.

Lighting Requirements

The Java Fern thrives in low to medium light conditions. It is recommended to provide it with a 5000 K bulb to simulate its natural habitat. This will ensure that the plant receives the right amount and quality of light for healthy growth and development.

Water pH and Temperature

The Java Fern is known for its adaptability to a wide range of pH levels. However, it tends to grow best in water with a pH between 6 and 8. To maintain optimal conditions, regular monitoring of the pH level is essential.

As for the water temperature, the Java Fern prefers a range of 72 to 82 °F. This temperature range provides an ideal environment for the plant’s growth and overall health.

Pruning Techniques

Regular pruning is necessary to maintain the Java Fern’s appearance and health. It involves removing damaged or decaying leaves to prevent them from affecting the rest of the plant. Pruning should be done close to the rhizome, the horizontal stem-like structure, to promote new growth.

Use of Liquid Fertilizer

If you find that the growth of your Java Fern is slow or minimal, you may consider using a liquid plant fertilizer containing iron. This can help promote growth and provide the necessary nutrients that the plant requires. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper dosage to prevent over-fertilization.

Aspect Requirement
Lighting Low to medium light
Water pH 6 to 8
Water Temperature 72 to 82 °F
Pruning Regular pruning of damaged leaves
Liquid Fertilizer Use a liquid plant fertilizer containing iron if needed

Propagating and Pruning Your Java Fern

When it comes to the care and maintenance of your Java Fern, propagation and pruning are important practices to ensure the plant’s continued health and growth. In this section, I will provide you with all the information you need to successfully propagate and prune your Java Fern.

Java Fern Plantlet Propagation

One of the ways to propagate Java Fern is by utilizing the plantlets that grow on its leaves. These plantlets, also known as daughter plants, can be gently plucked off and attached to a new surface, such as driftwood or rocks. This method allows you to create new Java Fern plants and expand your aquatic garden.

To propagate Java Fern using the plantlets, follow these steps:

  1. Gently separate the plantlets from the parent Java Fern plant.
  2. Attach each plantlet to a new surface, ensuring that they are securely attached.
  3. Provide appropriate care, such as proper lighting and water conditions, to promote the growth of the newly propagated plantlets.

By propagating Java Fern through plantlets, you can not only enhance the visual appeal of your aquarium but also add more greenery to the aquatic environment.

Java Fern Rhizome Pruning

Another important aspect of Java Fern care is rhizome pruning. The rhizome is the horizontal stem-like structure from which the leaves of the Java Fern emerge. Pruning the rhizome helps to maintain the plant’s appearance and health, especially when it becomes overgrown or damaged.

To prune the Java Fern rhizome, follow these steps:

  1. Carefully snip the rhizome into two sections using a clean pair of scissors or plant pruning shears.
  2. Plant each section separately by attaching them to a new surface or planting them in the substrate.
  3. Ensure that the newly pruned sections are provided with appropriate care, including proper lighting and water conditions.

Pruning the rhizome not only helps to maintain the overall appearance of the Java Fern but also allows you to create new Java Fern plants from the pruned sections.

Java Fern Leaf Pruning

In addition to rhizome pruning, it is also essential to regularly prune damaged or decaying leaves close to the rhizome. Removing these leaves helps to maintain the overall health and appearance of the plant, preventing the spread of any potential diseases or algae issues.

To prune Java Fern leaves, follow these steps:

  1. Identify any damaged or decaying leaves close to the rhizome.
  2. Gently remove these leaves using your fingers or a clean pair of scissors.
  3. Dispose of the pruned leaves properly.

Regular leaf pruning ensures that your Java Fern remains vibrant and healthy, promoting new growth and maintaining an aesthetically pleasing appearance in your aquarium.

Remember, proper propagation and pruning techniques are vital for the well-being of your Java Fern. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a flourishing and beautiful aquatic plant in your aquarium.

Propagation Method Benefits
Plantlet Propagation Allows for the creation of new Java Fern plants
Rhizome Pruning Maintains plant appearance and health
Leaf Pruning Promotes new growth and prevents diseases

By understanding and implementing these propagation and pruning techniques, you can ensure the long-term success of your Java Fern and create a thriving aquatic environment in your aquarium.

Vivarium Placement for Java Fern

If you’re looking to incorporate Java Fern into your vivarium setup, you’re in luck! This versatile plant can thrive in various types of vivariums, adding beauty and greenery to your enclosure.

Let’s explore the different vivarium placement options for Java Fern:

1. Paludarium

A paludarium is a half aquatic, half terrain-based enclosure. In this setup, you can place Java Fern in the aquatic section, allowing its roots to be submerged in the water while the leaves extend above the surface. This creates a stunning visual effect and adds a lush touch to the aquatic environment.

2. Riparium

A riparium is mostly aquatic-based with some terrain features. Java Fern can be positioned along the water’s edge or near the waterline, providing a transition between the aquatic and terrestrial areas. This placement allows the plant to thrive in its preferred wet environment while adding a natural, jungle-like aesthetic to the riparium.

3. Terrarium

If you have a fully terrain-based enclosure with minimal aquatic features, such as a terrarium, Java Fern can still be a fantastic addition. You can place the plant in the more humid areas of the terrarium, such as near misters or water features, ensuring it receives the moisture it needs to flourish. Its vibrant green leaves will bring life to the terrestrial environment.

4. Aquarium

In aquarium setups, Java Fern can be positioned in the middle or back of the tank to create a beautiful background effect. Its long, arching leaves provide a captivating backdrop for the other aquatic inhabitants, making it an excellent choice for aquascaping projects. The plant’s ability to tolerate a wide range of water conditions makes it versatile and easy to care for in aquariums.

Remember to consider the size of your vivarium and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve when placing Java Fern. Experiment with different positions and arrangements to create a visually appealing and natural-looking vivarium that your plants and animals will love.

Now that we’ve discussed vivarium placement for Java Fern, let’s explore the substrate requirements for this versatile plant in the next section.

Substrate Requirements for Java Fern

When it comes to the substrate requirements for Java Fern, there’s an interesting fact to note – it actually doesn’t require any substrate at all! Unlike many other aquatic plants that thrive on a specific substrate, Java Fern can easily attach itself to driftwood or rocks without the need for planting in the substrate.

Java Fern’s unique characteristic allows it to be versatile in its placement within the aquarium. By attaching it to driftwood or rocks, you can create a stunning natural-looking effect, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your aquatic setup.

So, how do you attach Java Fern to driftwood or rocks? There are a couple of common methods:

  1. Super Glue Gel: Apply a small amount of super glue gel to the desired surface of the driftwood or rock. Press the Java Fern’s rhizome, the horizontal stem-like structure, onto the glue for around 30 seconds to ensure a secure attachment.
  2. Fishing Wire: Alternatively, you can use fishing wire to attach the Java Fern. Thread the fishing wire through the rhizome and wrap it around the driftwood or rock, securing it in place.

Whichever method you choose, it’s essential to ensure that the roots of the Java Fern remain exposed. The roots serve as anchors, attaching themselves to the chosen surface, while the rhizome and leaves flourish above.

By not burying the Java Fern in substrate, you allow it to grow naturally, showcasing its unique and beautiful form. The attached Java Fern creates a visually appealing focal point in your aquarium, providing a stunning contrast against the driftwood or rocks.

Next, let’s explore the ideal lighting and water parameters for Java Fern, ensuring optimal growth and vibrant green foliage.

Lighting and Water Parameters for Java Fern

Proper lighting and water parameters are essential for the healthy growth and maintenance of Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus). By providing the right conditions, you can ensure that your Java Fern thrives in your aquarium.

Lighting Requirements for Java Fern

Java Fern thrives in low to medium light conditions. It is recommended to provide your Java Fern with a 5000 K bulb. This will provide the ideal spectrum of light for photosynthesis and promote healthy growth. Placing your Java Fern near the middle or back of your aquarium will ensure it receives adequate light without being overshadowed by other plants.

Water pH for Java Fern

Java Fern is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of pH levels. However, it generally thrives in water with a pH between 6 and 8. Maintaining the pH within this range will promote optimal growth and help prevent any potential stress or nutrient deficiencies for your Java Fern.

Water Temperature for Java Fern

Java Fern prefers a moderate water temperature range of 72 to 82 °F (22 to 28 °C). This temperature range mimics its natural habitat and provides the optimal conditions for growth and development. Regular monitoring of the water temperature is important to ensure that it remains within this range and to prevent any extreme fluctuations that could negatively impact your Java Fern.

By paying attention to the lighting and water parameters, specifically the light intensity, pH level, and temperature, you can provide a suitable environment for your Java Fern and ensure its long-term health and vibrancy.

Fertilizing Java Fern

Java Fern is a nutrient-efficient aquatic plant that can derive essential elements from the water. While it generally does not require frequent fertilization, there are instances where adding fertilizers can help promote growth and vitality. There are two common types of fertilizers that can benefit Java Fern: liquid fertilizer and tablet fertilizer.

Liquid Fertilizer

If you notice slow or minimal growth in your Java Fern, you may consider using a liquid fertilizer containing iron. Iron is an essential micronutrient that can enhance leaf development and overall plant health. When using liquid fertilizer, it is crucial to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding dosage and frequency. This will ensure that your Java Fern receives the right amount of nutrients without causing any imbalances in the aquarium ecosystem.

Tablet Fertilizer

Another option for fertilizing Java Fern is the use of slow-release tablet fertilizers. These specialized tablets are designed to gradually release nutrients into the substrate over time, providing a consistent source of nourishment for the plant. When using tablet fertilizer, bury the tablets in the substrate near the base of the Java Fern. This allows the roots to access the nutrients as they grow and develop. As with liquid fertilizer, always refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper usage.

Remember that each aquarium setup is unique, and the requirements of your Java Fern may vary. Monitor the growth and overall health of your plant closely, adjusting your fertilization routine if necessary. By providing the right amount of nutrients, you can help your Java Fern thrive and create a lush and vibrant aquatic environment.

Java Fern Fertilizer


The Philippine Java Fern, also known as Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine’, is an incredibly versatile and easy-to-care-for aquatic plant. Whether you have a paludarium, riparium, terrarium, or aquarium, this plant can add a touch of natural beauty to your setup.

To ensure the health and thriving growth of your Philippine Java Fern, it is important to provide the right lighting conditions, maintain appropriate water parameters, and occasionally fertilize the plant. The Java Fern is adaptable and can tolerate a range of pH levels (6-8) and temperatures (72-82 °F).

Proper attachment to driftwood or rocks using super glue gel or fishing wire is crucial for the plant’s stability. Regular care, including pruning damaged leaves and propagating plantlets, will help maintain its appearance and promote optimal growth.

In summary, the Philippine Java Fern is a fantastic addition to any vivarium setup. By following the care guide essentials outlined in this article, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of this remarkable aquatic plant in your own aquarium.


What are the care requirements for Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine’?

Microsorum pteropus ‘Philippine,’ also known as the Philippine Java Fern, requires low to medium light, a temperature range of 72 to 82 °F, and a pH level between 6 and 8. It can be attached to driftwood or rocks in the aquarium and is best suited for placement in the middle or back of the tank.

How do I attach Java Fern to driftwood or a rock?

To attach Java Fern, you can use super glue gel or fishing wire. Apply a small amount of super glue gel to the desired surface and press the rhizome onto the glue for 30 seconds. Alternatively, tie the rhizome to the object using fishing wire, threading it through the rhizome and wrapping it around the object.

What are the lighting and water parameters for Java Fern?

Java Fern thrives in low to medium light conditions and prefers a 5000 K bulb. It can tolerate a wide range of pH levels but grows best in water with a pH between 6 and 8. The temperature should be maintained between 72 and 82 °F.

How do I propagate and prune Java Fern?

Java Fern can be propagated by plucking off the plantlets that grow on the leaves and attaching them to a new surface. The rhizome can also be pruned by snipping it into two sections and planting each section separately. Regular pruning of damaged leaves close to the rhizome is necessary to maintain the plant’s appearance and health.

Where can I place Java Fern in my vivarium?

Java Fern is suitable for placement in various vivarium setups, including paludariums, ripariums, and terrariums. In aquariums, it is recommended to position Java Fern in the middle or back to create a background effect.

Does Java Fern require substrate?

No, Java Fern does not require substrate. It should be attached to driftwood or rocks using super glue gel or fishing wire. The roots of the plant serve as anchors and should remain exposed.

How often should I fertilize Java Fern?

Java Fern can obtain nutrients from the water and does not require frequent fertilization. However, if growth is slow, the addition of a liquid fertilizer containing iron can promote growth. Slow-release tablet fertilizers buried in the substrate can also be used following the manufacturer’s instructions.

What are the key care requirements for Philippine Java Fern?

The key care requirements for Philippine Java Fern include providing low to medium light, maintaining a temperature range of 72 to 82 °F, and ensuring a pH level between 6 and 8. Regular pruning and occasional fertilization may be necessary to promote healthy growth.

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