Anubias Angustifolia Care Guide for Healthy Growth

Hi there! If you’re looking to add a touch of lush greenery to your aquarium, then Anubias angustifolia is the perfect plant for you. This popular aquatic plant is not only visually stunning but also quite easy to care for. In this comprehensive care guide, I’ll share with you everything you need to know to ensure the healthy growth and well-being of your Anubias angustifolia.

Before we dive into the details, let’s take a quick look at some key takeaways:

Key Takeaways:

  • Anubias angustifolia is an easy-to-care-for aquatic plant that adds a lush and vibrant look to aquariums.
  • Understanding the native habitat and anatomy of Anubias angustifolia is essential for proper care.
  • Creating optimal tank conditions, including temperature, pH, water hardness, and lighting, is crucial for the health of your plant.
  • Proper substrate and nutrient supplementation, as well as CO2 requirements, play a role in promoting healthy growth.
  • Controlling algae growth and knowing the various propagation methods for Anubias angustifolia are important aspects of care.

Anubias Angustifolia: A Versatile Genus

The Anubias genus is a diverse group of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants that originate from tropical regions of central and western Africa. These plants are highly versatile and can adapt to various aquatic environments, making them a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. The Anubias genus includes numerous species and varieties, each with its own unique characteristics.

One of the most commonly found species within the Anubias genus is Anubias barteri. This particular variety is known for its lush and durable leaves, which make it suitable for both foreground and background placements in aquariums. Other popular Anubias species include Anubias nana, Anubias coffeefolia, Anubias congensis, and Anubias hastifolia, each offering distinct leaf shapes and sizes.

Here is a table summarizing the different Anubias varieties:

Anubias Variety Description
Anubias barteri A versatile variety suitable for foreground and background placements.
Anubias nana A dwarf variety perfect for small aquariums or as a midground plant.
Anubias coffeefolia A variety with ruffled leaves that adds textural interest to the aquarium.
Anubias congensis A unique variety with elongated leaves, ideal for background placement.
Anubias hastifolia A variety with long stems, perfect for creating a lush and vibrant background.

Each variety of Anubias brings its own aesthetic appeal and can be used creatively to achieve different visual effects in aquarium setups. Whether you are looking to create a lush foreground or a captivating background, there is an Anubias variety to suit your needs.

Native Habitat of Anubias

Anubias plants are naturally found in freshwater rivers and streams throughout tropical regions of Africa. They have adapted to thrive in a variety of environments, both emersed and immersed. In their native habitat, Anubias species attach themselves to surfaces such as sunken logs, roots, or rocks along the riverbanks. This clinging behavior helps them anchor themselves in the wild and allows them to grow with stability.

Anubias plants can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them versatile and resilient. They are often found in shaded areas where they receive filtered light, which mimics the natural environment they are adapted to. Understanding the native habitat of Anubias is crucial for recreating similar conditions in aquariums to promote healthy growth.

To recreate the natural environment of Anubias in your aquarium, consider providing ample shaded areas to simulate the filtering light found in their native habitat. Additionally, offering surfaces such as logs, rocks, or botanicals for the plants to attach to will help replicate their clingy growth habit.

Key Points:

  • Anubias plants are native to freshwater rivers and streams in Africa.
  • They attach themselves to surfaces like sunken logs, roots, or rocks.
  • Anubias species can tolerate a range of water conditions and are often found in shaded areas.
  • Recreating similar conditions, such as filtered light and surfaces to cling to, can promote healthy growth in an aquarium.

Anubias Anatomy

Anubias plants have a fascinating anatomy that contributes to their unique characteristics and growth patterns. Understanding the different parts of an Anubias plant is vital for providing proper care and maintenance. Let’s explore the key components of Anubias anatomy:

Anubias Rhizome

The central rhizome is the lifeline of an Anubias plant. It is a thick stem that grows horizontally just above the substrate. The rhizome serves as a nutrient storage organ, allowing the plant to adapt to changing conditions. It plays a crucial role in the growth and development of Anubias plants.

Anubias Roots

The roots of Anubias emerge from the bottom of the rhizome. Their primary function is to anchor the plant to surfaces, such as rocks or driftwood, within the aquarium. The roots provide stability and support for the plant, ensuring it stays in place despite currents or disturbances.

Anubias Leaves

The leaves of Anubias emerge from the top of the rhizome. They vary in size and shape depending on the Anubias variety. The leaves are robust, thick, and often have a waxy texture. They contribute to the plant’s resilience and ability to withstand various water conditions.

Anubias Feeding Mechanism

Anubias plants primarily feed directly from the water column through their leaves. The broad and sturdy leaves act as catchers, capturing organic debris and microscopic organisms present in the water. The plant absorbs nutrients from these sources, supporting its growth and overall health.

To visualize the different parts of an Anubias plant, refer to the annotated image below:

Anubias Anatomy Function
Rhizome Serves as a nutrient storage organ and allows the plant to adapt to changing conditions
Roots Anchors the plant to surfaces within the aquarium and provides stability
Leaves Absorb nutrients from the water column and contribute to the plant’s resilience

Understanding the anatomy of Anubias plants is essential for creating the right care regimen. By providing favorable conditions and proper maintenance, you can ensure the longevity and vitality of your Anubias plants.

Optimal Tank Conditions for Anubias

Creating the right tank conditions is crucial for the health and well-being of Anubias plants. By providing the optimal environment, you can ensure that your Anubias thrives and displays its vibrant beauty. Here are the key factors to consider:

  1. Tank Size: Anubias can thrive in a variety of tank sizes. Larger varieties, such as Anubias gigantea, may require more space to spread their roots and leaves. Consider the mature size of your specific Anubias variety when selecting your tank size.
  2. Temperature: Keeping the water temperature within the ideal range is essential for Anubias plants. Aim for a temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) to provide a comfortable environment for their growth and development.
  3. pH: Anubias prefer a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH range. Maintaining a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 will ensure optimal conditions for their overall health and vitality.
  4. Water Hardness: Anubias are adaptable to a wide range of water hardness levels. Aim for a general hardness (GH) of 2-15 and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 3-8 to provide suitable conditions for their growth.
  5. Lighting: Anubias plants prefer low to medium levels of light. They can even thrive in shaded areas of the tank. Avoid exposing them to intense, direct light, which can lead to algae growth and damage the leaves.

By ensuring the right tank size, maintaining appropriate temperature and pH levels, providing suitable water hardness, and offering the correct lighting conditions, you can create an optimal environment for your Anubias plants to thrive.

Substrate, CO2, and Fertilizer Requirements

When it comes to Anubias plants, their care requirements differ from many other aquatic plants. Let’s dive into the specific substrate, CO2, and fertilizer requirements for these unique plants.


Anubias primarily feed from the water column, which means they don’t have specific substrate requirements. However, they do need to be planted properly. When planting Anubias, bury the roots in the substrate while leaving the rhizome exposed. It’s important to avoid burying the rhizome, as it can lead to rotting. Ensuring a stable and well-maintained substrate will provide a solid foundation for your Anubias plants to thrive.

CO2 Requirements:

Anubias plants do not have high CO2 requirements. These plants can grow well in tanks without CO2 injection. However, if you want to promote faster growth, adding a CO2 system can benefit your Anubias. It’s important to maintain a balance and avoid excessive CO2 levels, as this can lead to algae growth and harm the overall health of your plants.

Fertilization and Nutrient Supplementation:

Anubias plants benefit from nutrient supplementation, especially in the form of liquid micronutrient fertilizers. Using a high-quality fertilizer specifically formulated for aquarium plants can provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. It’s recommended to supplement your Anubias with micronutrients on a weekly basis. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance with fertilization and avoid excessive nutrient levels, as this can also lead to algae growth. Regularly monitor the nutrient levels in your tank to ensure optimal conditions for your Anubias plants.

Now that we’ve covered the substrate, CO2, and fertilizer requirements for Anubias plants, you have a better understanding of how to provide the necessary care for these unique aquatic plants. Remember to create a well-maintained substrate, consider CO2 supplementation if desired, and provide appropriate nutrient supplementation to keep your Anubias healthy and thriving.

Algae Control for Anubias

Anubias plants are renowned for their broad leaves, making them susceptible to algae growth. To maintain a pristine and vibrant appearance, it is crucial to implement effective algae control measures. By creating a balanced environment with stable water conditions, controlled lighting, and regular water changes to reduce nutrient build-up, you can prevent algae from taking hold on your Anubias leaves.

When faced with algae on Anubias plants, it’s essential to take swift action. One effective treatment method is employing Seachem Flourish Excel. This product contains organic carbon compounds that inhibit algae growth without harming your Anubias plants or other aquatic organisms. By applying Seachem Flourish Excel directly to the algae using a dosing syringe, you can effectively eradicate the unsightly growth, restoring the beauty of your Anubias plants.

To maximize the effectiveness of Seachem Flourish Excel, it is recommended to turn off the filter and air pump during treatment. This helps ensure that the product remains in contact with the algae, facilitating its rapid demise. By spot treating the affected areas, you minimize the impact on your Anubias plants while directly targeting the algae problem.

Anubias algae control

Tank Size Treatment Treatment Duration
10-20 gallons 1 ml per 10 gallons Daily for 1 week
20-40 gallons 2 ml per 10 gallons Daily for 1 week
40-60 gallons 4 ml per 10 gallons Daily for 1 week

Note: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for dosage and treatment duration.

By incorporating proper algae control practices and utilizing effective treatments like Seachem Flourish Excel, you can maintain the pristine condition of your Anubias plants. Remember, vigilance and a proactive approach are key to preventing and treating algae growth on these beautiful aquatic plants.

Propagation Methods for Anubias

Propagating Anubias is a rewarding way to expand your collection and create new arrangements in your aquarium. There are two main propagation methods for Anubias: rhizome division and cutting the rhizome into smaller pieces.

  1. Rhizome Division: To propagate Anubias through rhizome division, start by identifying a healthy rhizome with multiple leaves. Carefully cut the rhizome into segments, making sure each segment has at least a couple of leaves. Be cautious not to damage the leaves during the process.
  2. Planting: Once you have divided the rhizome, you have the option to plant the segments. Bury the roots of each segment into the substrate, while leaving the rhizome unburied. Avoid burying the rhizome, as it can lead to rot.
  3. Attaching to Hardscape: Another propagation method is attaching Anubias segments to hardscape, such as rocks or driftwood. This creates interesting focal points and adds visual appeal to your aquarium. Use superglue or zip ties to securely attach the segments to the desired hardscape. Ensure that the rhizome is not buried, as this can cause rotting.

Both methods of propagation are effective and relatively simple to execute. By propagating Anubias, you can not only increase your plant collection but also customize the layout and design of your aquascape. Remember to provide appropriate care to the propagated segments to ensure their successful growth and integration into your aquarium.

Overview of Anubias Varieties

Anubias plants come in a wide range of varieties, each with its own unique characteristics and growth habits. Whether you’re looking for a large background plant or a small foreground plant, there’s an Anubias variety to suit your aquarium needs. Let’s explore some of the notable Anubias varieties:

  • Anubias gigantea: This is one of the largest Anubias varieties, making it perfect for creating a lush background in your aquarium. Its long and broad leaves add a touch of elegance to any aquascape.
  • Anubias coffeefolia: Known for its ruffled leaves, Anubias coffeefolia adds a unique texture to your aquarium. Its distinctive shape and deep green color make it a captivating focal point.
  • Anubias barteri nana: This dwarf variety is a popular choice for foreground or midground placement. With its compact size and vibrant green leaves, Anubias barteri nana creates a beautiful carpet effect in your tank.
  • Anubias nana petite: If you have a nano tank or want to create intricate foreground plantings, Anubias nana petite is the perfect choice. Its small size and delicate leaves bring charm to any small-scale aquascape.
  • Anubias hastifolia: With its long stems and robust leaves, Anubias hastifolia is an excellent background plant. It adds height, depth, and a sense of drama to larger aquariums.

Each of these Anubias varieties offers its own unique beauty and contributes to the overall aesthetics of your aquarium. Consider incorporating a variety of Anubias plants to create a visually captivating and diverse aquascape.

Image: Anubias gigantea, Anubias coffeefolia, Anubias barteri nana, Anubias nana petite, and Anubias hastifolia.

Key Factors for Successful Anubias Care

Ensuring the successful care of your Anubias plants involves paying attention to several key factors. By maintaining stable water parameters, providing appropriate lighting levels, controlling nutrient levels, and ensuring proper water circulation and filtration, you can create an optimal environment for your Anubias plants to thrive in.

  1. Anubias care tips: Regularly monitor and adjust the tank conditions to meet the specific needs of your Anubias plants.
  2. Anubias water parameters: Maintain stable water parameters, including temperature, pH, and water hardness, within the suitable range for Anubias.
  3. Anubias lighting requirements: Provide low to medium levels of lighting for your Anubias plants, ensuring they receive an appropriate amount of light without being exposed to excessive brightness.
  4. Anubias nutrient needs: Avoid excessive nutrient levels in the water by providing balanced fertilization and monitoring nutrient levels regularly.

Regular observation of your Anubias plants is crucial to detect any signs of deficiencies or issues promptly. By taking swift action and providing the necessary care, you can ensure the long-term health and vibrancy of your Anubias plants.

Key Factors Anubias Care Tips Anubias Water Parameters Anubias Lighting Requirements Anubias Nutrient Needs
Water Parameters Monitor and adjust regularly Maintain stability Provide suitable lighting levels Avoid excessive nutrient levels
Lighting Low to medium levels
Nutrient Supplementation Provide balanced fertilization
Observation Regularly observe for deficiencies or issues


After reading this comprehensive Anubias angustifolia care guide, you now have all the information you need to ensure the health and vitality of your aquarium plant. By providing the optimal conditions of lighting, water parameters, and nutrient levels, you can create an environment that promotes the growth and well-being of your Anubias angustifolia.

Remember to consider the specific needs of your Anubias variety, such as the amount of light it requires and where it should be placed in your tank. Regularly monitor the water parameters, including temperature, pH, and water hardness, to ensure they remain within the appropriate range for your plant’s optimal growth.

Additionally, pay attention to the nutrient levels in your aquarium. While Anubias angustifolia primarily feeds from the water column, supplementing with liquid micronutrient fertilizers can help provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. However, be cautious not to over-fertilize, as it can lead to algae problems.

By following these care guidelines and providing the necessary attention and care, your Anubias angustifolia will thrive and add a beautiful touch to your aquarium. Enjoy the vibrant and lush beauty of this stunning aquatic plant for years to come!


What is Anubias angustifolia?

Anubias angustifolia is a popular aquatic plant known for its lush and vibrant foliage. It is commonly used in aquariums to add beauty and create a natural look.

How do I care for Anubias angustifolia?

Anubias angustifolia requires stable water conditions, appropriate lighting, and proper nutrient levels. It is important to provide a suitable environment and regular maintenance to ensure its well-being.

What are the ideal tank conditions for Anubias angustifolia?

Anubias angustifolia thrives in temperatures between 72-82°F (22-28°C), a pH range of 6.0-8.0, and water hardness levels of GH 2-15 and KH 3-8. It prefers low to medium levels of lighting and can tolerate various water hardness levels.

How should I plant Anubias angustifolia?

When planting Anubias angustifolia, bury the roots in the substrate while keeping the rhizome above the substrate. Avoid burying the rhizome, as it can lead to rotting.

Do Anubias angustifolia need CO2 injection?

While CO2 injection can promote faster growth, it is not necessary for Anubias angustifolia. These plants primarily feed from the water column.

How can I prevent algae growth on Anubias angustifolia?

To prevent algae growth, maintain a balanced environment with stable water conditions, controlled lighting, and regular water changes. Spot treating algae on leaves with Seachem Flourish Excel can be effective.

How do I propagate Anubias angustifolia?

Anubias angustifolia can be propagated through rhizome division. Healthy rhizomes can be divided into segments with a couple of leaves and planted or attached to hardscape using glue or zip ties.

What are some popular varieties of Anubias?

Some popular varieties of Anubias include Anubias gigantea, Anubias coffeefolia, Anubias barteri nana, Anubias nana petite, and Anubias hastifolia, each with its own unique characteristics.

What are the key factors for successful Anubias angustifolia care?

The key factors for successful Anubias angustifolia care include maintaining stable water parameters, providing appropriate lighting, avoiding excessive nutrient levels, and ensuring proper water circulation and filtration.

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