Anubias Nana Care Guide: Easy Aquarium Tips

Are you looking to add a touch of green to your aquarium? Look no further than the Anubias nana. This hardy freshwater plant is perfect for beginners and offers a range of benefits for your aquatic environment. In this comprehensive care guide, I will take you through everything you need to know about Anubias nana, from setup and maintenance to propagation and light requirements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper setup, including water conditions and substrate choice, is key to successfully caring for Anubias nana.
  • Aquarium lighting should be low to moderate, and regular maintenance practices such as trimming and water changes are essential for its ongoing health.
  • Propagating Anubias nana through rhizome division is a simple and effective way to introduce new plants to your aquarium.
  • Anubias nana can be a versatile addition to your tank, providing shelter for fish and fry, as well as serving as a spawning surface.
  • Consider the compatibility of Anubias nana with other plants and fish in your aquarium setup to ensure a harmonious environment.

Anubias Nana Facts & Overview

Welcome to the fascinating world of Anubias nana, also known as Anubias barteri var. nana! This delightful species of freshwater plant belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Africa, specifically Cameroon and Nigeria. What sets Anubias nana apart is its shorter stature compared to its Anubias barteri counterparts. Its compact size makes it an excellent choice for covering the aquarium substrate and creating cozy hideouts for bottom-dwelling fish.

The appearance of Anubias nana is truly captivating. Its broad, dark green leaves are like a breath of fresh air in any aquatic setting. Not only do they provide a pop of color, but they also contribute to the overall aesthetics of the aquarium. Another variant to explore is Anubias nana petite, a charming miniature version that reaches a height of approximately 5cm.

Anubias Nana Facts & Overview
Scientific Name Anubias barteri var. nana
Common Names Dwarf Anubias
Appearance Broad, dark green leaves

Anubias Nana Care

When it comes to caring for Anubias nana, you’re in luck. This hardy and adaptable plant can thrive in a variety of aquarium setups and water conditions, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.

To create an ideal setup for Anubias nana, consider the following:

Water Conditions

Anubias nana is a versatile plant that can be partially or fully submerged in the aquarium. It is important to maintain specific water conditions to ensure its health and growth. Keep the water temperature between 72-82°F, the pH level between 6-7.5, and the water hardness between 3-8 KH.


Anubias nana has low to moderate lighting requirements, making it suitable for various lighting setups. It can be placed in both foreground and background positions in the tank, depending on your desired aesthetic. Ensure that the plant receives adequate light for photosynthesis, but be cautious of excessive exposure to intense lighting.


Anubias nana is known for its slow growth, which means it requires minimal maintenance. Here are some key maintenance tips:

  • Occasional trimming: As Anubias nana grows, its stems may become too long. Trim the plant to keep it in shape and prevent overcrowding in the aquarium.
  • Regular water changes: It’s important to maintain good water quality for Anubias nana. Regular water changes every couple of weeks help control nitrate levels and provide a healthy environment for the plant.
  • Cleaning: Clean the tank regularly to ensure that light reaches the plant’s leaves for photosynthesis.

With proper care and maintenance, your Anubias nana will thrive and enhance the beauty of your aquarium. Enjoy the lush greenery and the benefits it brings to your aquatic ecosystem.

Planting or Floating?

When it comes to the placement of Anubias nana in your aquarium, you have two main options: planting it in the substrate or attaching it to decorations like rocks or driftwood. Let’s explore both methods and see which one suits your preferences and needs.

Planting in the Substrate

If you choose to plant Anubias nana in the substrate, it’s crucial to ensure that the rhizome, the thick part of the root, is not buried. Burying the rhizome can lead to rot and damage the plant. To properly plant it, follow these steps:

  1. Select a soft substrate like sand or fine-grained gravel. These substrates provide a gentle and supportive environment for the plant’s roots.
  2. Gently place the Anubias nana in the substrate, making sure the rhizome is exposed and above the substrate level.
  3. Secure the plant by carefully backfilling the substrate around the base of the plant, ensuring the rhizome remains uncovered.

By planting Anubias nana in the substrate, you can create a natural and visually appealing look in your aquarium.

Attaching to Decorations

If you prefer a more versatile and customizable approach, attaching Anubias nana to decorations like rocks or driftwood is a great option. This method allows you to create unique structures and designs in your tank. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose suitable decorations like rocks or driftwood that will provide a sturdy anchor for the plant.
  2. Using clear fishing line or cotton, tie the Anubias nana to the chosen decoration. Make sure to secure it firmly but gently so as not to damage the plant.
  3. Place the decoration with the attached plant in the desired location within your aquarium.

Attaching Anubias nana to decorations not only adds visual interest but also allows you to easily rearrange your tank’s layout whenever you desire.

Not Recommended for Floating

While Anubias nana can survive partially submerged or fully submerged in the water, it is primarily a planted species and not recommended for floating. Unlike some other aquatic plants, it does not have adaptations that suit it for floating on the water’s surface. Therefore, it is best to avoid keeping Anubias nana as a floating plant in your aquarium.

Now that you know the different planting options for Anubias nana, you can choose the method that works best for your tank setup and design preferences.

How To Propagate Anubias Nana

Propagating Anubias nana is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to expand your collection of this beautiful aquatic plant. By following the technique of rhizome division, you can create new plants from the parent plant, ensuring a continuous supply of vibrant Anubias nana in your aquarium.

Rhizome Division: To propagate Anubias nana, start by carefully separating the plant into smaller sections, making sure each division has a portion of the rhizome and at least three leaves. The rhizome is the thick horizontal stem from which the leaves and roots grow.

Planting New Plants: After dividing the rhizome, plant each section in the desired locations within your aquarium. It is important to bury the rhizome slightly in the substrate, ensuring the leaves remain above the surface. This allows the roots to anchor the plant securely while the leaves can access light for photosynthesis.

Facilitating Growth: Providing optimal conditions for the newly propagated Anubias nana is essential for successful growth. Maintain water temperature between 72-82°F, pH level between 6-7.5, and water hardness of 3-8 KH. Adequate lighting, in the range of low to moderate, will support healthy plant development.


Propagation Technique Requirements
Rhizome Division – Anubias nana plant
– Scissors or sharp knife
Planting New Plants – Soft substrate (sand or fine-grained gravel)
– Aquarium with suitable water conditions
– Location for planting
Facilitating Growth – Optimal water temperature (72-82°F)
– pH level (6-7.5)
– Water hardness (3-8 KH)
– Suitable lighting (low-moderate)

Within a few days, the new plants will start developing roots and establish themselves in their new environment. It’s important to avoid taking too many cuttings from the original plant, as this can disrupt its growth and survival. With the right care and conditions, your propagated Anubias nana will flourish, enhancing the beauty of your aquarium.

Anubias Nana Tank Mates and Compatibility

When it comes to choosing tank mates for your Anubias nana, you’ll be pleased to know that this versatile plant is compatible with a wide range of fish and invertebrates. Its sturdy leaves not only add beauty to the aquarium but also provide shelter and hiding spots for small fish and fry, making it an excellent choice for breeding tanks. In addition, Anubias nana can serve as a surface for fish to lay their eggs on, promoting successful breeding in the aquarium.

One of the advantages of Anubias nana is its minimal impact on other plants in the aquarium. It is generally non-invasive and will not harm or overtake other plants. This makes it easier to create a balanced and harmonious plant community. However, it’s important to avoid planting the Anubias nana too densely to prevent overcrowding and competition for resources.

To give you a better idea of the wide variety of tank mates that can coexist with Anubias nana, here’s a list of compatible fish species:

Fish Compatibility
Guppies High compatibility
Tetras High compatibility
Platies High compatibility
Dwarf Gouramis High compatibility
Corydoras Catfish High compatibility

In addition to these fish species, Anubias nana is also compatible with various invertebrates such as shrimp and snails. These small creatures can coexist with the plant without causing any harm or disturbance. The Anubias nana provides them with a natural habitat and food sources, creating a thriving ecosystem within your aquarium.

Overall, Anubias nana is a versatile plant that offers compatibility with a wide range of tank mates, making it a popular choice for aquarists of all levels of experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hobbyist, you can enjoy the benefits of Anubias nana while creating a balanced and visually appealing aquarium.

Anubias Nana Suitable for Your Aquarium? (Summary)

When considering the suitability of Anubias nana for your aquarium, there are several factors to keep in mind. This versatile plant offers numerous benefits, including its adaptability, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal.

Anubias nana is well-suited to a variety of water conditions and lighting setups, making it a flexible option for different aquarium environments. Its ability to thrive in various settings ensures that it can easily integrate into your existing tank setup.

One of the key advantages of Anubias nana is its positive impact on the aquarium ecosystem. The plant contributes to oxygenation in the water, creating a healthier environment for fish. Additionally, Anubias nana helps control algae growth, preventing unsightly blooms and maintaining water clarity. Its broad leaves also serve as natural hiding spots and habitats for small fish, providing a sense of security and promoting natural behaviors.

However, it’s important to consider compatibility when incorporating Anubias nana into your aquarium. While generally non-invasive, it’s crucial to avoid overcrowding the tank and ensure that there is enough space for other plants and fish to thrive. Careful planning and monitoring are necessary to maintain a balanced and harmonious aquatic ecosystem.

Overall, Anubias nana offers numerous benefits and is well-suited for aquariums of various sizes and setups. Its adaptability, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice among aquatic enthusiasts.

Anubias nana suitability

Benefits of Anubias Nana Considerations
  • Adaptable to different water conditions and lighting setups
  • Contributes to oxygenation in the aquarium
  • Controls algae growth
  • Provides hiding spots and habitats for fish
  • Ensure compatibility with other plants and fish
  • Avoid overcrowding the tank
  • Maintain a balanced ecosystem

Benefits of Anubias Nana:

  • Adaptable to different water conditions and lighting setups
  • Contributes to oxygenation in the aquarium
  • Controls algae growth
  • Provides hiding spots and habitats for fish


  • Ensure compatibility with other plants and fish
  • Avoid overcrowding the tank
  • Maintain a balanced ecosystem

Buying Anubias Nana

When it comes to buying Anubias nana for your aquarium, selecting healthy specimens is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Look for plants with vibrant green colors, indicating healthy foliage.
  • Avoid plants with faded colors or patches of brown or yellow, as these may indicate poor health.
  • Choose Anubias nana plants with strong stems that can support their own weight, ensuring they remain upright in your aquarium.
  • Check for any signs of damage, such as ripped or torn leaves, as this can affect the plant’s growth and overall appearance.

Remember, healthy Anubias nana specimens are more likely to thrive in your tank and contribute to the beauty of your aquatic ecosystem. By carefully selecting healthy plants, you set the foundation for a successful setup.

Selection Criteria Healthy Specimens Unhealthy Specimens
Color Vibrant green Faded, brown, or yellow patches
Stem Strong and sturdy Weak or bent
Damage No signs of damage Ripped or torn leaves

Anubias nana is readily available in most aquarium stores and is an affordable addition to your tank, with prices typically below $5. Now that you know what to look for when buying Anubias nana, you can confidently select healthy specimens that will thrive in your aquarium.

Anubias Nana Tank Requirements

Creating the right environment for Anubias nana in your aquarium is essential for its growth and well-being. Here are the key tank requirements to consider:

  • Water Parameters: Anubias nana prefers slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. It thrives at a temperature between 72-82°F, providing a comfortable habitat for this plant species.
  • Substrate: Anubias nana does not require a nutrient-rich substrate. Instead, it can be planted in soft substrates like sand or fine-grained gravel. These substrates provide stability and a suitable base for the roots to anchor.
  • Lighting: Anubias nana has low to moderate lighting requirements. Standard aquarium lights are usually sufficient for its growth. Positioning the plant in areas with adequate lighting will help promote photosynthesis and ensure healthy leaf development.

By maintaining these tank requirements, you can create an optimal environment for your Anubias nana to thrive and enhance the beauty of your aquarium.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance is essential for the health and longevity of your Anubias nana plant. With its slow growth rate, this plant requires minimal attention but still benefits from regular trimming, cleaning, and nutrient supplementation.

1. Trimming

To keep your Anubias nana in shape and prevent it from becoming overgrown, regular trimming is necessary. Focus on removing any stems that have become too long or are obstructing the overall appearance of the plant. Use sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts, ensuring you don’t damage the remaining healthy foliage.

2. Cleaning

Cleanliness is crucial for maintaining optimal conditions for your Anubias nana. Regular tank maintenance helps ensure that light reaches the plant for photosynthesis and prevents the buildup of debris or algae. During water changes, gently remove any accumulated detritus or algae from the leaves using a soft brush or cloth. Be careful not to damage the delicate foliage while cleaning.

3. Nutrient Supplementation

Anubias nana is generally a low-nutrient plant but may benefit from nutrient supplementation if it is not thriving or showing signs of stunted growth. There are several options available for providing additional nutrients, such as liquid fertilizers or root tabs. These supplements can help promote healthier foliage and more robust growth. Additionally, consider CO2 supplementation if you want to boost growth further; however, exercise caution when adding CO2 to avoid harming fish or other tank inhabitants.

Regular maintenance, including trimming, cleaning, and nutrient supplementation, will ensure that your Anubias nana plant thrives and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your aquarium. By following these simple care practices, you can enjoy the beauty of this versatile plant for years to come.

Anubias Nana Care Tips and Considerations

When it comes to caring for Anubias Nana, there are a few additional tips and considerations that can help ensure its optimal growth and health in your aquarium.

Fertilization for Enhanced Growth

Providing adequate nutrients is essential for the healthy development of Anubias Nana. Fertilizers can be used to supplement the plant’s nutritional needs. Liquid fertilizers and root tabs are effective options for promoting strong growth and vibrant foliage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and frequency to avoid over-fertilization, which can be detrimental to the plant’s health.

CO2 Requirements for Faster Growth

Anubias Nana can survive without additional CO2 supplementation. However, introducing CO2 into your aquarium can enhance its growth and result in fuller, more lush leaves. It is important to monitor CO2 levels carefully to ensure they do not reach harmful levels for your fish. Proper balance is key, so consider using a CO2 regulator or consulting with a knowledgeable aquarist to achieve optimal results.

Saltwater Tolerance and Considerations

While Anubias Nana is known for its adaptability, it does not have saltwater tolerance. Exposing Anubias Nana to high levels of salt, such as in a saltwater aquarium, may lead to the deterioration of the plant over time. If you have a saltwater setup, it is recommended to choose other plant species that are better suited to such environments.

Anubias Nana Care Tips Summary

Care Tips Description
Fertilization Use liquid fertilizers or root tabs to supplement the plant’s nutritional needs and promote healthy growth.
CO2 Requirements Consider adding CO2 to the aquarium for faster growth and fuller leaves, maintaining a proper balance to avoid harming fish.
Saltwater Tolerance Anubias Nana cannot withstand saltwater environments and may deteriorate if exposed to high salt levels.

By following these care tips and considerations, you can ensure that your Anubias Nana thrives in your aquarium, adding beauty and vitality to its surroundings.


After exploring the comprehensive care guide for Anubias nana, it is clear that this versatile and beautiful plant is an excellent choice for aquarium enthusiasts. With its broad, dark green leaves, Anubias nana adds aesthetic appeal to any tank while providing numerous benefits to the ecosystem.

One of the standout features of Anubias nana is its low maintenance requirements, making it perfect for beginners. This hardy plant can survive in a variety of setups and water conditions, giving aquarists the freedom to create their desired tank environment.

By following the care tips and considerations outlined in this guide, you can ensure the successful growth of Anubias nana in your aquarium. Remember to provide the right lighting, water parameters, and occasional trimming to keep the plant thriving. Also, consider the compatibility of Anubias nana with other plants and fish in your tank to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

In conclusion, Anubias nana is a reliable and adaptable plant that can enhance the beauty of your aquarium while requiring minimal maintenance. Enjoy the benefits of this stunning plant by incorporating it into your aquatic setup and creating a thriving underwater paradise.


What is Anubias nana?

Anubias nana is a species of freshwater plant with broad, dark green leaves that adds beauty to an aquarium.

How do I care for Anubias nana?

Anubias nana is a hardy and adaptable plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions. It requires a water temperature between 72-82°F, pH level between 6-7.5, and a water hardness of 3-8 KH. Lighting requirements for Anubias nana are low-moderate.

Can Anubias nana be planted in the substrate?

Yes, Anubias nana can be planted in the substrate. It is important to avoid burying the rhizome, the thick part of the root, as it can rot. Soft substrates like sand or fine-grained gravel are recommended.

How can Anubias nana be propagated?

Anubias nana can be propagated through rhizome division. This involves separating the plant into smaller sections, each containing a portion of the rhizome and a few leaves, and planting them in the desired locations within the aquarium.

What are suitable tank mates for Anubias nana?

Anubias nana is compatible with a wide range of tank mates, including both fish and invertebrates. Its sturdy leaves provide shelter and hiding spots for small fish and fry, making it a popular choice for breeding tanks.

Is Anubias nana suitable for beginners?

Yes, Anubias nana is ideal for beginners as it is easy to care for and can survive most mistakes. It is a slow-growing plant that requires minimal maintenance.

How do I buy healthy Anubias nana plants?

When buying Anubias nana, look for plants with vibrant green colors and avoid any with faded colors or patches of brown or yellow. Choose plants with strong stems that can support their own weight.

What are the tank requirements for Anubias nana?

Anubias nana prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 72-82°F. It does not require a nutrient-rich substrate and can be planted in soft substrates like sand or fine-grained gravel.

How do I maintain Anubias nana?

Regular trimming is necessary to keep Anubias nana in shape, especially when the stems become too long. Regular water changes every couple of weeks help control nitrate levels and maintain water quality. Cleaning the tank also ensures that light reaches the plants for photosynthesis.

Are there any care tips for Anubias nana?

Fertilization can enhance the growth of Anubias nana, with liquid fertilizers and root tabs being effective options. Adding CO2 can promote faster growth, but it is important to avoid adding too much CO2 as it can harm fish. Anubias nana cannot survive in saltwater environments.

Is Anubias nana suitable for all aquarium setups?

Anubias nana is versatile and can thrive in various tank setups. However, it is important to consider the overall compatibility with other plants and fish in your specific aquarium setup.

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