10 Best Fish for a New Tropical Aquarium: A Beginner’s Guide

10 best fish or a new tropical tank

Welcome to my beginner’s guide on the 10 best fish for a new tropical aquarium. If you’re venturing into the exciting world of freshwater fishkeeping, this guide is here to help you make informed decisions. Whether you’re looking for hardy and colorful species or fish that are easy to care for, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and discover the perfect fish for your new tropical tank.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right fish is essential for a successful start in fishkeeping.
  • Hardy and colorful species like rasboras, tetras, and goldfish are ideal for beginners.
  • Corydoras and kuhli loaches are fantastic bottom-dwelling fish for your tropical tank.
  • Platies, betta fish, barbs, and guppies offer a range of sizes, temperaments, and colors.
  • Make sure to provide proper care and suitable tank conditions for your fish to thrive.


When it comes to choosing fish for your tropical aquarium, rasboras are an excellent option for beginners. Known for their vibrant colors and peaceful nature, rasboras are a popular choice among fish keepers.

Two types of rasboras that are particularly eye-catching are the harlequin rasbora and the lambchop rasbora. With their bright orange color and distinctive patterns, they add a beautiful contrast to any tank.

Rasboras are considered nano fish, which means they stay relatively small in size. This makes them perfect for smaller aquariums or as part of a community tank. You can easily find these stunning fish in most pet stores.

For a visually striking display, it is recommended to keep a school of six or more rasboras of the same species. This will create a captivating sight as they swim together in unison.

Popular Rasboras

Rasbora Species Color Size Temperament
Harlequin Rasbora Orange with black triangle pattern 1.5 inches Peaceful
Lambchop Rasbora Orange with black stripe and spot pattern 1.2 inches Peaceful

With their captivating colors and peaceful nature, rasboras are a fantastic addition to any community tank. Their small size and availability make them an ideal choice for beginners looking to create a stunning aquatic environment.


Tetras are a popular choice among fish enthusiasts, especially for those who are new to aquarium keeping. These small schooling fish are known for their vibrant colors and active behavior. Tetras are a great addition to any community tank, as they are compatible with a wide range of other fish species.

Some of the most sought-after tetra species include the Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, and Congo Tetra. Each of these tetras offers its own unique beauty, coloration, and characteristics. Let’s take a closer look at each species:

Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a stunning fish with iridescent blue and red stripes that span its body. They are peaceful and social creatures, making them an excellent choice for community tanks. These tetras prefer to swim in schools, so it’s best to keep them in groups of six or more.

Cardinal Tetra

The Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is often referred to as the larger cousin of the Neon Tetra. They share a similar appearance, with striking red and blue coloration. Cardinals are known for their peaceful nature and smaller size, making them a perfect choice for smaller aquariums.

Black Neon Tetra

The Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) is a captivating fish with a blackish-blue body and neon blue horizontal stripes. They add a subtle yet stunning touch to any aquarium. These tetras are peaceful, hardy, and adaptable to a variety of tank conditions.

Congo Tetra

The Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) is a remarkable fish with shimmering silver and orange coloration. They are larger tetras, reaching up to 4 inches in length. Congo tetras are known for their peaceful demeanor and can add a touch of elegance to a well-planted aquarium.

When keeping tetras, it’s important to remember that they are schooling fish and thrive in groups. A minimum of six tetras is recommended to provide them with a sense of security and encourage their natural behavior. Tetras prefer neutral pH waters and thrive in well-maintained aquariums.

Overall, tetras are an excellent choice for beginners due to their hardiness, adaptability, and stunning colors. They are relatively easy to care for and provide an engaging display in any aquarium.

Tetra Species Key Characteristics
Neon Tetra Distinctive blue and red stripes, peaceful nature, schooling behavior
Cardinal Tetra Similar appearance to Neon Tetra, red and blue coloration, peaceful temperament
Black Neon Tetra Blackish-blue body with neon blue stripes, hardy and adaptable, peaceful disposition
Congo Tetra Shimmering silver and orange coloration, larger size, peaceful demeanor


In the world of aquarium fish, there are few species as charming and captivating as the corydoras. These bottom-dwelling fish, also known as cory catfish, bring a unique combination of beauty and functionality to any tropical tank. With their scavenging behavior and playful nature, corydoras add a delightful touch to the underwater ecosystem.

One of the most fascinating aspects of corydoras is their scavenger behavior. These fish have an incredible ability to search for and devour food crumbs that settle on the tank floor. Acting as the underwater janitors, they ensure that no bit of food goes to waste, contributing to the cleanliness and overall health of the aquarium.

Popular corydoras species include the bronze cory, albino cory, and emerald green cory. Each variety showcases its own unique coloration and patterns, making them visually stunning additions to any tank. The bronze cory stands out with its beautiful metallic hue, while the albino cory captivates with its striking white appearance. The emerald green cory, as its name suggests, displays a mesmerizing shade of green that adds a touch of elegance to the aquarium.

What makes corydoras even more enchanting is their playful behavior, especially when kept in groups of three to six of the same species. They have a natural instinct to school, and observing their synchronized movements as they explore the tank is a delightful sight. Corydoras create a sense of liveliness and camaraderie, bringing a dynamic energy to the bottom level of the aquarium.

Corydoras: Key Features

  • Bottom-dwelling fish
  • Scavengers with a penchant for food crumbs
  • Popular species include bronze cory, albino cory, and emerald green cory
  • Playful behavior when kept in groups
Corydoras Species Description
Bronze Cory A beautiful fish with a metallic bronze coloration that adds a touch of elegance to any tank.
Albino Cory With its striking white appearance, the albino cory stands out and adds a unique contrast to the aquarium.
Emerald Green Cory Showcasing a mesmerizing shade of green, the emerald green cory brings a touch of vibrancy to the tank.

If you’re looking for vibrant and active fish that serve a valuable function in your aquarium, corydoras are an excellent choice. Their scavenging behavior and captivating beauty make them a must-have addition to any tropical tank. Add a group of corydoras to your underwater world, and enjoy the lively energy they bring to the bottom level of your aquarium.


Platies are vibrant and adaptable fish that are perfect for beginner fishkeepers. They belong to the family of livebearers, which means they give birth to live fry instead of laying eggs. Platies are known for their robust nature, making them highly resilient and able to handle a wide range of pH levels.

One popular type of platy is the variatus platy. This variety showcases a beautiful array of colors and patterns, making it a striking addition to any tropical tank. Variatus platies typically grow to around 3 inches in length, making them a suitable size for beginner fishkeepers to care for.

As omnivores, platies have a diverse diet. They are voracious eaters and will happily consume a variety of community fish foods, both plant-based and protein-rich. This makes feeding platies a breeze, as they will readily accept most commercial fish foods available at pet stores.

Platies are also known for their peaceful temperament, making them ideal for community tanks. They generally get along well with other non-aggressive fish species and can create a harmonious environment within the aquarium. However, it is best to avoid pairing them with large, aggressive fish that may harass or prey on the platies.

In summary, platies are excellent choices for beginner fishkeepers due to their hardiness, attractive appearance, and peaceful nature. Their ability to adapt to different water parameters and omnivorous diet make them a versatile addition to any tropical tank.

Betta Fish

When it comes to captivating aquarium fish, betta fish are a top choice for beginners. These beautiful creatures, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are renowned for their vibrant coloration, small size, and peaceful tankmates. Let me introduce you to the world of betta fish and why they make fantastic additions to any tropical tank.

Colorful and Eye-Catching

One of the main attractions of betta fish is their stunning coloration. From vibrant reds and blues to iridescent greens and purples, bettas display a wide array of hues that never fail to captivate and impress. These fish are like living jewels, adding a pop of color to any aquarium setting.

Perfect for Smaller Tanks

If you’re starting with a smaller tank, betta fish are an excellent choice. They can thrive in a minimum tank size of just 5 gallons, making them suitable for desktop or apartment setups. Their small size also allows for greater flexibility in choosing a tank location.

Peaceful Tankmates

In a larger tank, betta fish can coexist peacefully with certain species of fish. When selecting tankmates for bettas, it’s important to choose species that are compatible in terms of temperament and size. Tetras, such as neon tetras, and corydoras catfish are among the best companions for bettas due to their peaceful nature and ability to occupy different areas of the tank.

“Betta fish are like living gems, adding a vibrant touch to any aquarium setup.” – Experienced Aquarist

If you decide to have other fish species in the tank with your betta, it is crucial to provide adequate hiding spots and visual barriers to reduce stress and prevent fin nipping. This will allow your betta to coexist peacefully with its tankmates.

Betta Fish Tank Size Compatible Tankmates
Betta Fish 5 gallons or larger – Neon Tetras
– Corydoras Catfish
More peaceful community fish

As you can see from the table above, betta fish can comfortably thrive in a 5-gallon tank or larger. In smaller tanks, it’s best to keep bettas as the sole occupants to ensure their well-being.

Whether you choose to keep a betta fish as a solitary pet or introduce it to a well-planned community tank, these fascinating fish are sure to bring beauty and serenity to your aquarium. With their vibrant coloration, small size, and peaceable nature, bettas are an ideal choice for beginners looking to create a stunning aquatic environment.


When it comes to adding liveliness to your community tank, barbs are an excellent choice. These active fish bring vibrant energy and beautiful colors to your aquarium. Popular varieties of barbs include the mesmerizing tiger barb, the eye-catching Odessa barb, and the charming cherry barb.

While barbs can be a great addition to your tank, it’s important to note that some species can exhibit semi-aggressive behavior. To minimize potential issues, it is recommended to keep barbs in groups of six or more. This helps to distribute any aggression among themselves and reduces the likelihood of fin nipping.

Barbs are known to be compatible with other popular beginner fish such as rasboras, tetras, and corydoras. However, it’s best to avoid keeping them with long-finned fish that may become targets of their nipping behavior.

If you’re ready to add some lively and colorful fish to your aquarium, consider barbs as a wonderful option. Their active nature and striking colors will certainly enhance the beauty of your tank.


Barb Variety Key Features
Tiger Barb Distinctive black stripes and vibrant orange coloration.
Odessa Barb Translucent body with metallic scales and vibrant coloration.
Cherry Barb Bright red coloration and peaceful temperament.

Bolivian Cichlids

When it comes to beginner cichlids from South America, Bolivian cichlids, specifically the Bolivian ram, are an excellent choice. These fish are known for their unique behavior, vibrant yellow and black coloration, and ease of breeding. They make a great addition to medium-sized community aquariums, serving as beautiful centerpiece fish that add personality and charm to the tank.

One of the advantages of Bolivian cichlids is their ability to coexist with most community fish that share similar tank requirements. This makes it easier for beginners to create a harmonious and balanced community aquarium without worrying about aggressive interactions.

If you’re looking to incorporate Bolivian cichlids into your community aquarium, it’s important to provide them with a suitable environment. Maintaining stable water parameters, including a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C) and a pH level between 6.0 to 7.5, is crucial for their well-being.

Additionally, Bolivian cichlids appreciate the presence of hiding spots in the form of rocks, driftwood, or caves, as it mimics their natural habitat and provides them with a sense of security. This enhances their overall comfort and encourages them to display their natural behaviors.

To showcase the unique beauty of Bolivian cichlids, consider adding them to a community aquarium with complementary tankmates. Schooling fish like rasboras or tetras can create a vibrant backdrop, further enhancing the visual appeal of your aquarium.

TIP: Bolivian cichlids are best kept in small groups, ideally a pair or a harem with one male and multiple females. This helps promote their natural breeding behaviors and ensures their social well-being.

In summary, Bolivian cichlids are an excellent choice for beginner fishkeepers looking to add cichlids to their community aquarium. With their unique behavior, striking yellow and black coloration, and ease of breeding, these cichlids are a captivating centerpiece fish that can coexist harmoniously with other community fish. Take the necessary steps to provide them with the right tank conditions, and you’ll be rewarded with a stunning and lively aquarium that showcases the beauty of Bolivian cichlids.

Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli loaches are fascinating bottom-dwelling fish that resemble miniature eels or snakes. With their unique appearance and behavior, they make a captivating addition to any tropical aquarium. Kuhli loaches, scientifically known as Pangio kuhlii, are popular among fish enthusiasts for their peaceful nature and scavenging abilities.

These loaches are primarily bottom dwellers, spending most of their time exploring the substrate and searching for food. They have a shy and elusive nature, often seeking refuge behind tank decorations or hiding in crevices. To ensure they feel safe and comfortable, it’s recommended to keep them in groups of at least three to six individuals.

Like corydoras, kuhli loaches are excellent scavengers. They help keep the tank clean by consuming leftover food and debris that settle on the bottom. Providing sinking foods, such as pellets or frozen bloodworms, will ensure they receive proper nutrition. It’s important to note that they may also nibble on live plants, so selecting hardy species is advisable.

“Kuhli loaches are a unique and fascinating species. Their elongated bodies and secretive behavior add a touch of mystery to any aquarium. Keeping them in a group allows their natural social behavior to shine, creating an engaging and captivating sight for fish enthusiasts.”

Adding kuhli loaches to your tropical tank not only provides visual interest but also contributes to the overall health and balance of the ecosystem. These bottom-dwelling scavengers play an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the aquarium, helping to prevent harmful waste buildup and promoting a thriving aquatic environment.


Guppies stand out as an excellent choice for beginners setting up a new tank, thanks to several qualities that make them particularly well-suited for novice aquarists. Their hardiness is a key factor, as guppies can endure a range of water conditions, providing resilience for those who are still getting the hang of maintaining optimal aquarium environments. The adaptability of guppies to varying pH levels and temperatures further simplifies care requirements. Beyond their practical advantages, guppies contribute to the visual allure of the tank with their vibrant and diverse colorations. Their livebearing nature, giving birth to live fry instead of laying eggs, adds an intriguing element for beginners who may find joy in observing the birth of new fish. Guppies’ generally peaceful demeanor and compatibility with other community fish make them an attractive option for community tanks. Additionally, their low-maintenance needs, requiring regular water changes, a balanced diet, and proper tank conditions, make them a convenient choice for those just starting their aquarium journey. Widely available in pet stores, guppies offer accessibility to beginners embarking on the exciting world of aquarium keeping.


Angelfish are a popular choice for fishkeepers looking to add a stunning showpiece cichlid to their aquarium. Known for their beautiful shape, distinctive fins, and striking patterns, angelfish can truly be the centerpiece of any tank.

Angelfish are known for their beautiful shape, distinctive fins, and striking patterns.

To accommodate the size of angelfish, a larger tank is recommended, preferably 55 gallons or more. This provides enough space for them to swim and display their graceful movements.

While angelfish can be kept with other community fish such as rasboras and tetras, it’s important to note their territorial nature. To avoid conflicts and maintain a harmonious tank, it’s best to keep only one angelfish or a mated pair.

It’s best to keep only one angelfish to avoid territorial disputes.

There are several popular varieties of angelfish to choose from, including marble, zebra, koi, and veil angelfish. Each variety has its own unique coloration and patterns, allowing you to select the one that best complements your aquarium’s aesthetic.

Overall, angelfish are mesmerizing additions to any aquarium, bringing beauty, elegance, and a touch of sophistication to your underwater world.

angelfish in a tank


In conclusion, if you’re a beginner looking to start your own tropical aquarium, these 10 fish species are perfect for you. With their stunning colors, diverse temperaments, and manageable care requirements, these beginner fish will thrive in different tank setups. By following proper care guidelines and creating a suitable environment, you can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of a tropical aquarium filled with these delightful fish.

Whether you choose rasboras, goldfish, tetras, corydoras, platies, betta fish, barbs, Bolivian cichlids, kuhli loaches, or angelfish, each species brings its own unique charm to your tank. These beginner-friendly fish will provide you with hours of joy as you observe their behavior and interactions.

Remember, fishkeeping is a rewarding hobby that requires commitment and responsibility. Regular maintenance, proper feeding, and consistent monitoring of water parameters are essential for the health and well-being of your fish. By providing a suitable habitat and investing time and effort into fish care, you will create a thriving tropical aquarium that will be the envy of any fishkeeping enthusiast.


What are the best fish for a new tropical aquarium?

The 10 best fish for a new tropical aquarium are rasboras, common goldfish, tetras, corydoras, platies, betta fish, barbs, Bolivian cichlids, kuhli loaches, and angelfish.

What are some popular types of rasboras?

Two popular types of rasboras are the harlequin rasbora and lambchop rasbora. These nano fish are known for their bright orange color and distinctive patterns.

Can common goldfish be kept in a beginner’s aquarium?

Yes, despite their size, common goldfish are actually suitable for beginners. They are hardy, resilient, and easy to care for. Once they reach their adult size, they can be kept in outdoor ponds.

What are some popular species of tetras?

Some popular tetra species include neon tetras, cardinal tetras, black neon tetras, and Congo tetras. These small schooling fish come in a variety of vibrant colors.

What are corydoras also known as?

Corydoras are also known as cory catfish. They are peaceful schooling fish that dwell at the bottom of the aquarium and are excellent scavengers.

Are platies suitable for a beginner’s tropical tank?

Yes, platies are robust livebearers that can handle a wide range of pH levels. They are voracious eaters and make a great addition to a beginner’s tropical tank.

Are betta fish suitable for beginners?

Yes, betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are extremely popular among beginners. They have vibrant coloration, small size, and simple care requirements.

What are some popular varieties of barbs?

Some popular varieties of barbs include tiger barbs, Odessa barbs, and cherry barbs. It is recommended to keep them in groups of six or more to reduce fin nipping.

What are Bolivian cichlids?

Bolivian cichlids, specifically the Bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), are excellent beginner cichlids from South America. They have unique behavior, yellow and black coloration, and are easy to breed.

What are kuhli loaches?

Kuhli loaches (Pangio kuhlii) are fascinating bottom-dwelling fish that resemble miniature eels or snakes. They are shy and should be kept in groups of at least three to six to help them feel safe.

Can angelfish be kept with other fish?

Angelfish can be kept with rasboras, tetras, and other community fish, but it’s best to keep only one angelfish to avoid territorial disputes. They require a larger tank due to their size.

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